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Radiation oncology

Medical Specialities

Radiation Oncology Doctors
Radiation Oncology Doctors
(53 doctors/experts)
Radiation oncology Institutions
Radiation oncology Institutions
(32 institutions)

Radiation Oncology Doctors

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Uzm. Dr. Alper ÖZKAN
Doç. Dr. Hüriye Şenay KIZILTAN
Doç. Dr. Züleyha AKGÜN
Uzm. Dr. Aysel AHMEDOVA
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ömer YAZICI
Uzm. Dr. Roman İBRAHİMOV

What are the goals and benefits of radiotherapy?

The aim of radiotherapy is to kill cancerous cells while causing as little damage to healthy cells as possible. Radiotherapy is a local treatment method similar to surgical methods. Although it targets cancerous cells in a certain part of the body, sometimes radiation oncology physicians prefer to use radiotherapy together with treatment methods that reach the whole body, such as chemotherapy, to improve treatment results.

What diseases is radiotherapy used in the treatment of?

  • Head and neck cancers
  • brain cancers
  • Spinal cancers
  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • breast cancer

Devices used in the radiology department;

  • X-Ray (X-Ray)
  • In the diagnosis of bone and lung diseases.
  • mammography
  • In the diagnosis of breast diseases
  • Bone Densitometry
  • Computed Tomography (CT),
  • A cross-sectional image of the body is produced.
  • It is used to diagnose vascular diseases.
  • Treatment of vascular diseases is also done with an angiography device.
  • Angiography = DSA = Digital subtraction angiography = Catheter angiography.