Wisdom Teeth ( Impacted Teeth - Perikoronitis)

5 min reading time Last Update Date: 08.06.2023
The treatment content titled Wisdom Teeth ( Impacted Teeth - Perikoronitis) has been written by Doktorumsun and has been reviewed and approved by Dt. Fatime TUNÇ (Dentist).

What is a 20-Teeth and Why Does It Remain Impacted?

Anatomy of wisdom teeth and causes of impacted teeth

The 20th tooth is the third molar tooth located at the back of the tooth row. Impacted teeth may remain under the gingival tissue or jawbone due to the narrowness of the jaw structure or the insufficient space of the tooth. Various reasons such as genetic factors, jaw structure, size and position of teeth may play a role in the formation of impacted teeth.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods of impacted tooth

Symptoms of an impacted tooth may include symptoms such as pain, swelling, partial or complete absence of under the gingiva or the jawbone, limitation of jaw movements, and bad taste or odor. The diagnosis of impacted tooth is usually made by dental examination and radiographic imaging (panoramic x-ray, digital tomography).

Potential risks of the impacted tooth and its effects on surrounding tissues

Impacted teeth can lead to potential risks such as pericoronitis (gingivitis), cavities, gum disease, dental caries, jaw cysts or tumors. In addition, impacted teeth can compress surrounding tissues, affect the placement of adjacent teeth, and increase susceptibility to dental caries and infections.

20 Dental Treatment Options

The extraction and surgical methods of the impacted tooth

The extraction of the impacted tooth usually requires a surgical procedure. Surgical methods may include extraction of the tooth, cutting of the gum, or removal of a small portion of the jawbone. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and the surgical procedure may vary depending on the position of the tooth and the degree of difficulty.

Sutures and healing process after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, the sutures that were thrown during the surgical procedure can be used. Stitches are used to support the healing process and provide tissue healing. The healing process can usually range from a few days to a few weeks. It is important to care for the sutures after tooth extraction, to pay attention to oral hygiene and to use painkillers and antibiotics in accordance with your doctor's instructions.

Orthopedic treatment options and preferences for tooth extraction

After the extraction of the impacted tooth, problems with the jaw structure or alignment of the teeth may occur. In these cases, orthodontic or orthopedic treatments may be considered. These treatments may include braces, appliances or orthodontic surgery options. Orthodontic treatment preferences after tooth extraction are determined depending on the individual situation and the recommendations of the dentist.

Complications and Solutions of Impacted Tooth

Pain, infection and jaw problems that may be caused by the impacted tooth

When an impacted tooth is not properly placed in the jaw, it can cause various complications. These complications may include conditions such as pain, gum infection, tooth decay, jaw cyst or abscess. In addition, the presence of impacted teeth can lead to disorders in the jaw structure and other teeth.

Methods for the prevention and treatment of complications

There are various methods to prevent or treat the complications that can be caused by the impacted tooth. These may include regular dental check-ups, careful gingival hygiene, treatment of tooth decay, use of antibiotics and surgical procedures such as tooth extraction. The treatment method is determined depending on the condition of the impacted tooth and the severity of the complication.

The effects of the impacted tooth on the surrounding tissues and its effects on other teeth

The impacted tooth can have adverse effects on the surrounding tissues. Problems such as gum infections, damage to the jawbone, jamming or shifting of the surrounding teeth may occur. In addition, the presence of an impacted tooth can cause decay of the surrounding teeth and gum problems. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effects of the impacted tooth and to make an appropriate treatment plan.

Complications Solutions
Pain Use of painkillers, cold compress application, pain management techniques
Infection Antibiotic therapy, attention to oral hygiene, surgical drainage or root canal treatment if necessary
Jaw problems Cold compress application for pain and swelling restricting jaw movements, preference of soft foods, jaw surgery if necessary
Effects on other teeth Orthodontic treatment or tooth extraction and arrangements, evaluation and follow-up by the dentist

Healing Process and Care After Wisdom Dental Treatment

Pain management and nutritional recommendations in the healing process

Pain control is important in the healing process after wisdom tooth extraction. You can regularly use painkillers recommended by your doctor to manage pain. Also, you should take care not to damage your teeth by choosing soft and easily chewable foods. Avoiding hot or cold foods can also help reduce sensitivity.

Dental hygiene and oral care methods in the healing process

After wisdom tooth treatment, it is important to take care of dental hygiene. However, try not to touch the operation area and perform your routine care such as mouth rinsing and tooth brushing in accordance with the instructions given after the operation. You can also reduce the risk of infection by using antibacterial mouthwashes.

Importance of control appointments and steps to be followed

Control appointments are important after wisdom teeth treatment. You should regularly attend follow-up appointments specified by your doctor. In these controls, your healing process is evaluated, operations such as removal of stitches are performed and it is checked whether there are any complications. Acting in accordance with your doctor's instructions is important for a healthy healing process.


  • American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: - https://www.aaoms.org
  • Mayo Clinic: - https://www.mayoclinic.org
  • WebMD: - https://www.webmd.com
  • Colgate Oral Care Center: - https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health
Note: The page content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors Relevant for Wisdom Teeth ( Impacted Teeth - Perikoronitis)

Dt. Fatime TUNÇ
Prof. Dr. Cemal YEŞİLYURT
Dt. Mücahit YEGİN
Dt. Kamer Şeyda TOKLAR
Dt. Eylem USLU
Dr. Dt. Özgün GÜNAY
Uzm. Dt. Alparslan Eren KARASU
Uzm. Dt. Feyza AKSU OLCAY
Dr. Dt. Gül TAŞ