Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK

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Op. Dr. Baver M. Şimşek Muayenehanesi
Op. Dr. Baver M. Şimşek Muayenehanesi
Bahçelievler Mah. D-100 (E-5 karayolu) Yanyol Sok. No:14B K:5 D:507 Metroport Busidence, Bahçelievler/İstanbul


  • Botox and Fillers
  • Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders (ENT)
  • Ear Pinning Surgery (Ear Aesthetics - Otoplasty)
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Endoscopic Tympanoplasty
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Head-Neck-Larynx Cancers and Surgery
  • Headache
  • Hearing Aid Applications
  • Hearing Disorders
  • Inner Ear Crystal Problems (Displacement of Crystals)
  • Middle Ear Surgeries
  • Mumps
  • Nasal Airway Surgery (Septoplasty, Turbinectomy)
  • Nasal Concha Surgery (Conchoplasty)
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Salivary Gland Diseases
  • Salivary Gland Endoscopy (Sialoendoscopy)
  • Sinus Diseases
  • Sore Throat
  • Thyroid Goiter
  • Tympanoplasty


  • İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi
  • İstanbul Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi


What are Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK's specialities?

Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK 's specialities include Ear Nose and Throat (Otorhinolaryngology)

Which treatments is Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK known for providing?

Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK's performed treatments: Headache , Head-Neck-Larynx Cancers and Surgery , Sore Throat , Botox and Fillers , Rhinoplasty , Nasal Concha Surgery (Conchoplasty) , Endoscopic Sinus Surgery , Endoscopic Tympanoplasty , Inner Ear Crystal Problems (Displacement of Crystals) , Hearing Disorders , Hearing Aid Applications , Mumps , Ear Pinning Surgery (Ear Aesthetics - Otoplasty) , Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders (ENT) , Nasal Airway Surgery (Septoplasty, Turbinectomy) , Middle Ear Surgeries , Sinus Diseases , Tympanoplasty , Thyroid Goiter , Salivary Gland Endoscopy (Sialoendoscopy) , Salivary Gland Diseases , Facial Plastic Surgery

At which health institution or clinic does Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK work?

Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK works at Op. Dr. Baver M. Şimşek Muayenehanesi (İstanbul Bahçelievler ) .

How can I make an appointment for Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK?

You can visit Op. Dr. Baver M ŞİMŞEK 's profile and make an appointment on doctor's calendar or via calling doctor's phone number in profile.


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Op. Dr. Baver M. Şimşek Muayenehanesi

Bahçelievler Mah. D-100 (E-5 karayolu) Yanyol Sok. No:14B K:5 D:507 Metroport Busidence, Bahçelievler / İstanbul

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