Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI

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Doç. Dr. Hakan Kalaycı Muayenehanesi
Ziyapaşa Bulvarı Gezerşen Plaza K:4 (Kahve Dünyası Karşısı) Seyhan Adana, Adana, Seyhan/Adana


  • Da Vinci Robotic Surgery
  • Electron Beam Computerized Tomography (EBCT)
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
  • Hemapheresis
  • Laceration Repair
  • Preoperative Evaluation
  • Robotic Surgery


  • Tıp Doktoru (2002), Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tip
  • Tıpta Uzmanlık (2009), Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Kadin Hastaliklari Ve Doğum


  • Başkent Üniversitesi


What are Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI's specialities?

Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI 's specialities include Gynecology and Obstetrics

Which treatments is Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI known for providing?

Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI's performed treatments: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) , Hemapheresis , Electron Beam Computerized Tomography (EBCT) , Robotic Surgery , Laceration Repair , Preoperative Evaluation , Da Vinci Robotic Surgery

At which health institution or clinic does Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI work?

Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI works at Doç. Dr. Hakan Kalaycı Muayenehanesi (Adana Seyhan ) .

How can I make an appointment for Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI?

You can visit Doç. Dr. Hakan KALAYCI 's doktorumsun.com profile and make an appointment on doctor's calendar or via calling doctor's phone number in profile.


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Doç. Dr. Hakan Kalaycı Muayenehanesi

Ziyapaşa Bulvarı Gezerşen Plaza K:4 (Kahve Dünyası Karşısı) Seyhan Adana, Adana, Seyhan / Adana

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