Breast Reduction

10 min reading time Last Update Date: 04.07.2023
The treatment content titled Breast Reduction has been written by Doktorumsun and has been reviewed and approved by Op. Dr. Abdurrahman AKAY (General Surgery).

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

1. What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure to reduce breast size. In this procedure, breast tissue and excess skin are removed, the shape of the breast is corrected, and a smaller and more proportional breast appearance is obtained.

2. Candidacy Criteria

To be a candidate for breast reduction surgery, you must meet the following criteria:

  • If you have health problems due to breast size and weight
  • If you have physical ailments such as back, neck and shoulder pain
  • If you have problems related to the size of your breasts, such as poor posture and skin irritation
  • If your general health is suitable for surgery

3. Breast Reduction Surgery Process

Breast reduction surgery usually includes the following steps:

  1. The operation begins under general anesthesia.
  2. The surgeon removes excess breast tissue and skin and corrects the breast shape.
  3. After the surgery, drainage tubes and bandages are applied.
  4. The patient is kept under observation for a few hours and then discharged.

4. Recovery Process After Breast Reduction Surgery

The recovery process after breast reduction surgery usually includes the following stages:

Stage Healing Time
First week Wound healing, reduction of swelling and bruising
First month Return to normal daily activities
3-6 months Full recovery and settled results

How Much Are Breast Reduction Surgery Prices?

Breast reduction surgery prices may vary depending on many factors. These factors include location, clinic, surgeon's experience, the complexity of the surgery, and the patient's specific needs. Prices for breast reduction surgery can usually include the following elements:

1. Surgeon Fees

The surgeon's fee for breast reduction surgery may vary depending on his experience, expertise, and reputation. A more experienced and reputable surgeon can usually pay more.

2. Anesthesia Fees

The anesthesia method used during the surgery and the cost of the anesthesiologist may affect the price of the surgery. There may be different costs in case of using general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

3. Clinic and Hospital Fees

The fees of the clinic or hospital where the breast reduction surgery is performed may also affect the cost of the surgery. Factors such as clinic or hospital selection, location, service quality may cause price differences.

4. Additional Costs

Additional costs such as bandages, supportive underwear, medications and examination fees to be used in the post-operative recovery period should also be taken into account.

To determine the exact price of breast reduction surgery, it is important to meet with your surgeon and make a detailed evaluation. Prices may differ for each patient, so you should get a special quote for you.

Note: The above information is for general information purposes only. Breast reduction surgery prices may vary. It is important to contact a healthcare provider or surgeon directly for accurate and up-to-date price information.

Why is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure performed to increase the size of the breast and to solve the physical and psychological problems that arise as a result. The reasons for this surgery can be listed as follows:

Breast Size Causes Physical Disturbances

Large and heavy breast tissue can cause back and neck pain, posture disorders and shoulder collapse. In addition, skin irritations, rashes and infections may occur as a result of friction and sweating under the breast. Breast reduction surgery is performed to alleviate or eliminate these physical ailments.

Aesthetic Reasons

Some women are dissatisfied with their body shape because of their large breast size. Breast reduction surgery is a preferred aesthetic procedure to achieve a more proportional and symmetrical appearance.

Psychological Effects

Large breast size can lead to psychological problems such as lack of self-confidence, shyness, social shyness and negative self-image. Breast reduction surgery can help reduce these psychological effects and improve the patient's quality of life.

A definitive decision as to why breast reduction surgery is performed is based on the patient's physical and emotional needs, the surgeon's assessment, and the patient's expectations. For this reason, it is important to meet with a specialist plastic surgeon individually for a breast reduction surgery.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of breast tissue. This process usually includes the following steps:

1. Anesthesia

The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, so the patient is put to sleep and does not feel any pain or discomfort.

2. Determination of Incision Sites

The surgeon determines which incision method will be used to reduce the breast size. An incision is usually made under the breast or around the nipple. The incision sites are pre-marked.

3. Reduction of Breast Tissue

The surgeon gains access through the cut areas to remove excess breast tissue. Excess fat, tissues and skin are removed. The nipple and breast tissue are repositioned and reduced if necessary.

4. Surgical Wound Closure

The cut areas are carefully closed. Surgical sutures or adhesives may be used. If necessary, a drain (a thin tube used to drain fluid) can be placed.

5. Healing Process

The patient is kept under observation for a while after the surgery and the healing process begins. Regular check-ups are made in accordance with the instructions given by the surgeon and it is important to follow the activity limitations during the recommended recovery period.

Breast reduction surgery may vary depending on each patient's individual needs and available breast tissue. Therefore, detailed information and instructions on how to perform the surgery should be provided to the patient individually by a plastic surgeon.

The Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery

With any surgical procedure, such as breast reduction surgery, some risks and complications may occur. These include:

Surgeries performed under general anesthesia involve risks related to anesthesia. In rare cases, complications such as reactions to anesthesia or breathing problems may occur.

2. Infection

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of post-operative infection in breast reduction surgery. It is important to follow the hygiene and care instructions recommended by the doctor during the recovery period.

3. Bleeding

There is a risk of bleeding during or after surgery. In case of bleeding, intervention may be required.

4. Wound Healing Problems

Wound healing problems may occur after breast reduction surgery. Wound healing may take longer and complications may occur, especially in smokers.

5. Sensory Changes

After the surgery, sensory changes may occur in the nipple and breast area. Temporary or permanent loss of sensation, extreme sensitivity or numbness may occur.

6. Aesthetic Problems

As a result of breast reduction surgery, undesirable aesthetic results may occur. Conditions such as asymmetry, deterioration in the shape of the breast or scarring may occur.

Breast reduction surgery may involve different risks depending on the individual situation of each patient. It is important to have a detailed discussion with a plastic surgeon to evaluate and understand these risks.

How to Prepare Before Surgery?

The following steps should be followed before breast reduction surgery:

1. Doctor Interview

It is important to have a detailed discussion with a plastic surgeon for breast reduction surgery. Talk to your doctor about the purpose of the surgery, your expectations, your health and possible risks. During this interview, you can get information about the preparations you need to make before the surgery.

2. Health Status Evaluation

Before surgery, a series of tests may be done to assess your general health. Tests such as blood tests, x-rays, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) may be done. Your doctor will evaluate your health to make sure you are suitable for surgery.

3. Drug and Cigarette Use

Discuss the medications and supplements you use with your doctor before the surgery. Some medications may need to be discontinued before surgery. Also, if you smoke, you may need to quit before surgery. Smoking can negatively affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

4. Nutrition and Hydration

It is important to pay attention to a healthy diet and adequate hydration before the surgery. In order for your body to be ready for the healing process, you need to take enough nutrients and water. Follow an eating plan in accordance with your doctor's recommendations.

5. Preoperative Instructions

Pay attention to the pre-operative instructions your doctor will give you. These may include details such as pre-operative eating and drinking restrictions, medication use, and showering instructions. Follow the instructions exactly and consult your doctor if you have any questions.

The preparation process before breast reduction surgery may vary depending on the patient's individual situation and the doctor's recommendations. It is important to complete the pre-operative preparation process by discussing with your doctor in detail.

Who Can Have Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery may be suitable for people who:

1. Large and Heavy Breast Tissue

Large and heavy breast tissue can cause physical discomfort and back, neck and shoulder pain. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate these discomforts by reducing breast size.

2. Asymmetric Breast Size

If one breast is noticeably larger or smaller than the other, breast reduction surgery can correct this asymmetry and balance breast sizes.

3. Skin Irritation and Infection

Large breasts can cause skin irritation and infections. Breast reduction surgery can provide you with a healthier state by eliminating these problems in the skin.

4. Psychological Discomfort

Large breasts can negatively affect a person's self-confidence and body image. Breast reduction surgery can offer a better quality of life by reducing the psychological discomfort of the person.

It is important to consult a plastic surgeon to decide whether breast reduction surgery is appropriate. Your doctor will evaluate your health and determine whether surgery is an appropriate option for you.

Is There Any Scar After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Scars may occur after breast reduction surgery. These scars may vary depending on the technique of the surgery and the recovery process of the patient. Scars usually occur in the following ways:

1. Vertical Trace

In the "vertical scar" technique, which is a technique frequently used in breast reduction surgery, a vertical incision is made from under the breast to the nipple. This incision is located below the nipple and usually fades over time as it heals.

2. Horizontal Trace

In some cases, a horizontal scar may also occur in breast reduction surgery. This scar is located under the nipple, in the inframammary fold. During the healing process, this scar may also fade.

3. Scars

After breast reduction surgery, small scars may occur due to cut skin and stitches. These scars usually heal and fade over time.

The healing process of each patient is different and the appearance of the scars may vary from person to person. The clarity of the scars may vary depending on factors such as genetic factors, skin structure and proper post-operative care.

Your plastic surgeon will recommend appropriate care methods to minimize post-operative scarring. With a regularly followed healing process and appropriate care, the appearance of scars may decrease over time.

Which Department of Hospitals Need to Make an Appointment for Breast Reduction Surgery?

For breast reduction surgery, it is usually necessary to make an appointment with the Plastic Surgery or Aesthetic Surgery department. These departments are managed by surgeons specializing in breast aesthetics.


  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS): -
  • Mayo Clinic: -
  • WebMD: -
Note: The page content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors Relevant for Breast Reduction

Op. Dr. Abdurrahman AKAY
Doç. Dr. Atacan Emre KOÇMAN
Op. Dr. Salih Onur BASAT
Op. Dr. Gökçen AYYILDIZ
Uzm. Dr. Zumreta RİZVANOVİC
Op. Dr. Mert DEMİREL
Op. Dr. Gülden AVCI ÇAKMAK
Op. Dr. Melekber ÇAVUŞ ÖZKAN
Prof. Dr. Aydın GÖZÜ
Op. Dr. Gülay BOZTOSUN