İzmir Cervical Disc Herniation Doctors

Doctors performing Cervical Disc Herniation treatment in the city of İzmir are listed below. For detailed information, you can review the profiles of doctors, get information about the treatment, and make an appointment from the ones with an open appointment calendar through Doktorumsun.

Orthopedics And Traumatology

İzmir/ Bayraklı
Adenitis, Achondroplasia, Albers-Schönberg Disease, Plaster, Ankylosing Spondylitis
Adalet Mah. Şehit Polis Fethi Sekin Cad. No: 6 Ventus Plaza, Kat:6, Ofis No: 61-62-63 Bayraklı, İzmir
Tansel TERZİ


İzmir/ Bornova
Emergency Neurological Treatment, Alzheimer's Disease, Anencephaly, Migraine with Aura, Headache
Gazi Osman Paşa Mahallesi, 5453. Sk. No:24 (Kartal Durağı Arkası) Çamdibi, Bornova, İzmir Bornova, İzmir