Microneedling (Dermapen)

10 min reading time Last Update Date: 13.07.2023

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin treatment method that involves creating tiny punctures in the skin using fine, sterile needles. These punctures stimulate the skin's natural healing process and promote the production of new collagen and elastin. Microneedling is typically performed using a device, commonly known as a dermapen. It is considered an effective method for skin rejuvenation, treatment of pigmentation issues, reduction of acne scars, and addressing hair loss concerns.

Which Skin Issues is Microneedling Suitable For?

Microneedling is suitable for various skin concerns. Here are some skin issues that can be effectively treated with microneedling:

  • Skin aging: Microneedling is effective in reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. The microscopic punctures created by the needles stimulate collagen and elastin production, resulting in tighter and more youthful-looking skin.
  • Acne scars: Microneedling can help diminish the appearance of acne scars, which may manifest as indentations or raised areas on the skin. The penetration of needles promotes skin remodeling, leading to smoother-looking skin.
  • Pigmentation issues: Microneedling can be used to treat pigmentation problems such as spots or brown patches. The needle penetration helps regulate melanin production and even out the skin tone.
  • Hair loss: Microneedling can be employed in addressing hair loss issues. By applying the needles to the scalp, it stimulates the hair follicles and promotes hair growth.

Which Areas Can Be Treated with Dermapen?

Dermapen, a commonly used device for microneedling, can be effectively utilized on various areas of the body. Here are some regions that can be treated with Dermapen:

  • Face: Dermapen is effective in treating wrinkles, blemishes, and acne scars on the face. It facilitates skin rejuvenation and helps achieve a smoother complexion.
  • Neck and décolletage: The neck and décolletage area often exhibit fine lines and wrinkles as signs of aging. Dermapen can be used to reduce the appearance of these skin concerns.
  • Back of hands: The hands are prone to showing signs of aging. Dermapen can help minimize wrinkles and support skin rejuvenation on the back of the hands.
  • Scalp: For individuals experiencing hair loss, Dermapen can be applied to the scalp to stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth.

Is Microneedling Painful?

The level of discomfort experienced during microneedling can vary from person to person. Generally, microneedling may cause a mild sensation of discomfort, but it is not considered a painful procedure. There might be a slight pricking or numbing sensation as the needles penetrate the skin. Prior to the treatment, a topical anesthetic cream is often applied to provide comfort during the procedure. If any discomfort is felt, the application area can be cooled or other relaxation techniques can be employed.

How Long Does Microneedling Treatment Take?

The duration of microneedling treatment can vary depending on the specific area being treated and the severity of the concern. Typically, a session lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. Before the treatment, the skin is cleansed, and an appropriate topical anesthetic cream is applied. The microneedling device is then moved across the skin in specific motions to deliver the treatment. Multiple sessions may be required depending on the treatment area. After the treatment, there may be mild redness and sensitivity, which usually subsides quickly.

How Long Does Microneedling Treatment Take?

The duration of microneedling treatment varies depending on the size of the area being treated and the treatment objectives. Typically, a session lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. The skin is cleansed and a suitable topical anesthetic cream is applied before the procedure. The microneedling device is then used to perform the treatment. In some cases, the treatment time may be longer, especially when treating larger areas or targeting multiple skin concerns. Depending on the treatment area and individual needs, several sessions may be necessary.

What is the Recovery Process Like After Microneedling?

After microneedling treatment, there is usually a mild recovery process. The skin may experience slight redness, sensitivity, or swelling immediately after the procedure. These side effects typically subside on their own within a few days. The recovery process can vary from person to person but generally returns to normal within a short period. It is important to be mindful of skin sensitivity and protect the skin from sun exposure after the treatment. Following the recommended post-treatment skincare steps can help support the healing process.

The effectiveness of microneedling treatment and the number of sessions required depend on the treatment objectives, the severity of the skin concern, and individual needs. In many cases, multiple sessions are recommended for optimal results. The number of sessions typically ranges from 3 to 6 and sessions are usually scheduled at 4 to 6-week intervals. Adhering to the recommended number of sessions suggested by your doctor is important to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and achieve desired results.

What Results Can Be Expected with Microneedling?

Microneedling treatment can yield positive results for various skin concerns. After the procedure, the following results can be expected:

  • Skin rejuvenation: Microneedling stimulates collagen and elastin production, resulting in tighter and more youthful-looking skin. This can lead to reduced wrinkles and improved skin tone.
  • Reduction of acne scars: Microneedling can help diminish the appearance of acne scars. It promotes skin remodeling and healing, resulting in smoother skin.
  • Improvement in pigmentation issues: Microneedling can be effective in treating pigment-related problems such as spots or brown patches. It helps even out the skin tone and achieve a more uniform complexion.
  • Promotion of hair growth: Microneedling can stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth in individuals experiencing hair loss. It contributes to the improvement of scalp health and hair quality.
Advantages of Microneedling Treatment
1. Supports skin rejuvenation.
2. Reduces acne scars.
3. Improves pigmentation issues.
4. Encourages hair growth.

Microneedling treatment is considered an effective method for improving skin concerns and achieving skin rejuvenation. However, since every individual's skin structure and needs are different, it is important to consult with a dermatologist or a professional esthetician for personalized guidance to obtain the best results.

Are There Any Side Effects of Microneedling Treatment?

Microneedling treatment is generally considered safe, but some side effects may occur. After the procedure, mild redness, sensitivity, swelling, temporary flaking, or skin tenderness may be experienced. These side effects are usually mild and subside on their own within a few days. In rare cases, complications such as infection, skin irritation, or allergic reactions may occur. However, by following proper hygienic measures and having the treatment performed by a professional healthcare provider, these risks can be minimized.

Who is Not Suitable for Microneedling Treatment?

While microneedling treatment is generally safe, there are certain situations where it may not be suitable for individuals. The following conditions may warrant avoiding microneedling treatment:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Active infection or skin disease
  • Acute inflammation or wound healing issues
  • Widespread active acne
  • Bleeding disorders or use of blood-thinning medications
  • Recent radiation therapy or deep chemical peels
  • Allergic reactions to medications
  • Impaired immune system

These conditions should be evaluated on an individual basis, and consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended to determine the suitability of microneedling treatment.

What is the Difference Between Microneedling Treatment and Other Skincare Methods?

Microneedling treatment offers a different approach compared to other skincare methods. Here are some differences between microneedling treatment and other skincare methods:

Microneedling Treatment Other Skincare Methods
Creating micro punctures on the skin with fine needles Application of creams, lotions, or serums
Stimulating the skin's natural healing process for rejuvenation External application of products to nourish or moisturize the skin
Promoting collagen and elastin production for skin tightening and rejuvenation Moisturizing or improving skin tone
Effective in treating various skin concerns Targeted solutions for specific skin concerns

How Should Skincare be Done After Microneedling?

Proper skincare is essential after microneedling treatment. Here are the steps for post-microneedling skincare:

  1. Cleanse your skin: Gently cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser, avoiding excessive friction.
  2. Apply moisturizer: Moisturizer helps maintain skin hydration and aids in the healing process. Opt for a lightweight and hydrating product.
  3. Apply sunscreen: After microneedling, your skin may become more sensitive to the sun. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen before going outside.
  4. Wait before applying makeup: Allow your skin some time to rest and avoid applying makeup for a few hours.
  5. Avoid excessive physical activity: Protect your skin from excessive heat, exercise, or sauna immediately after the treatment.

The post-microneedling skincare routine should be followed according to the recommendations and instructions provided by your doctor.

Can I Go in the Sun After Microneedling Treatment?

After microneedling treatment, your skin may become more sensitive to the sun. The procedure creates microchannels in the skin, increasing the risk of exposure to harmful sun effects. Therefore, it is important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen before going out in the sun. Once you have applied sunscreen, it is generally safe to be in the sun. However, it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays as much as possible. Wearing a hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing can be beneficial.

Does Microneedling Treatment Provide Permanent Results?

Microneedling treatment can create positive changes in the skin, but the results are not permanent. The procedure stimulates collagen and elastin production, leading to skin tightening, rejuvenation, and improvement in skin tone. However, over time, the skin can be affected by factors such as aging, sun damage, or other environmental factors. To maintain desired results, regular maintenance and follow-up treatments may be necessary.

How Can I Learn More About Microneedling Treatment?

To learn more about microneedling treatment, you can take the following steps:

  1. Consult with a dermatologist or aesthetic specialist: To gather more information about microneedling treatment, you can consult with a dermatologist or aesthetic specialist. They can provide you with detailed information about the treatment and address any questions you may have.
  2. Conduct online research: Read articles, research papers, or reviews about microneedling treatment from reliable sources. However, it is important to rely on trustworthy sources to ensure accuracy.
  3. Contact hospitals or clinics: Get in touch with hospitals or aesthetic clinics that offer microneedling treatment. They can provide you with detailed information, including the treatment process, costs, and appointment scheduling assistance.

Which Department of Hospitals Should I Contact to Schedule a Microneedling Appointment?

If you wish to schedule a microneedling appointment, it is generally recommended to contact departments such as dermatology or aesthetic surgery. Specialists in these departments can perform microneedling treatment and provide you with the most accurate information. You can reach out to hospitals or clinics through their websites or contact numbers to book an appointment or gather detailed information.


  • Microneedling: Purpose, Procedure, and Risks - https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/microneedling
  • Microneedling: A Review and Practical Guide - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4976400/
  • Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4976400/
  • Microneedling Therapy in Atrophic Facial Scars: An Objective Assessment - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2918341/
  • Microneedling for Skin Rejuvenation and Antiaging - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6122507/
Note: The page content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors Relevant for Microneedling (Dermapen)

Doç. Dr. Atacan Emre KOÇMAN
Op. Dr. Gökçen AYYILDIZ
Dr. Yasemin ARSLAN
Dr. Mustafa Kemal ATAÖNDER
Prof. Dr. Cenk AKÇALI
Dr. Nihat DİK
Doç. Dr. Murat SARICI
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ali GÖKKAYA
Pratisyen Dr. Nezih KARACA
Dr. Samet BOZCAN