Stem Cells

7 min reading time Last Update Date: 26.07.2023

What is Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy?

Fibrocell therapy is a regenerative treatment method that involves the use of stem cells. Stem cells are the fundamental building blocks of various tissues in the body and have the ability to replicate themselves and transform into different cell types. Fibrocell therapy aims to repair and heal diseased or damaged tissues using this unique characteristic of stem cells.

For Which Conditions is Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy Used?

  • Skin Injuries and Wounds: Fibrocell therapy can be used to heal burns, ulcers, non-healing wounds, and skin injuries. Stem cells can contribute to the regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.
  • Bone and Joint Problems: Conditions like osteoarthritis and other joint disorders can be treated with fibrocell therapy. Stem cells can aid in the renewal of joint cartilage.
  • Heart Diseases: Research is ongoing for using fibrocell therapy to repair damaged heart tissues after a heart attack. Stem cells may support the regeneration of heart muscles.
  • Neurological Disorders: The potential of stem cells in the treatment of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is under investigation.

How Does Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy Work?

Fibrocell therapy is typically performed by converting fibroblast cells obtained from the patient into stem cells in a laboratory setting. Subsequently, these converted stem cells are used in a manner suitable for the patient's needs and the tissues requiring treatment.

Sample Table: Treatment Results

Condition Treatment Results
Skin Injuries 80% improvement
Bone and Joint Problems 70% improvement
Heart Diseases 60% improvement
Neurological Disorders 50% improvement

What Conditions is Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy Used For?

Fibrocell therapy is a promising treatment method for various diseases and health conditions. This treatment can be applied in different medical fields through the use of stem cells. The main types of diseases for which it is used are as follows:

  • Skin Injuries and Wounds: Fibrocell therapy can help repair burns, ulcers, skin wounds, and injuries. Stem cells can support the regeneration of skin tissues and accelerate the healing process.
  • Bone and Joint Problems: Conditions such as osteoarthritis and other joint diseases can be treated with fibrocell therapy. Stem cells may contribute to the repair of joint cartilage.
  • Heart Diseases: Research is being conducted on fibrocell therapy to repair damaged heart tissues after a heart attack. Stem cells might assist in the healing of heart muscles.
  • Neurological Disorders: The potential of fibrocell therapy in treating neurological conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is still under investigation.

Who are Suitable Candidates for Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy?

Suitable candidates for fibrocell therapy are typically determined based on the type of disease, the patient's health condition, and the purpose of the treatment. Potential candidates may have the following characteristics:

  • Individuals with severe skin injuries or conditions
  • Patients with joint diseases or injuries
  • Individuals with heart tissue damage after a heart attack
  • People with neurological disorders
  • Individuals with a healthy source of stem cells

How Long Does Fibrocell Therapy Take to Complete?

The duration of fibrocell therapy can vary depending on the severity of the disease, the size of the treatment area, and the patient's response to the treatment. Typically, the treatment can take several weeks to a few months to complete. The treatment plan is determined by a specialist based on the individual's unique condition.

Sample Table: Treatment Durations

Condition Treatment Duration
Skin Injuries 2-4 weeks
Bone and Joint Problems 3-6 months
Heart Diseases 4-8 weeks
Neurological Disorders 6-12 months

Fibrocell Therapy Risks

Fibrocell therapy, like any medical procedure, may involve certain risks and complications. It is important for patients to be aware of these risks before undergoing the treatment. Some potential risks associated with fibrocell therapy include:

  • Allergic reactions to the stem cells or other components used in the treatment.
  • Infection at the site of stem cell injection or extraction.
  • Tissue rejection, where the body's immune system attacks the transplanted stem cells.
  • The formation of tumors or abnormal tissue growth.
  • Unintended side effects, such as pain or swelling.

Recovery Process After Fibrocell Therapy

The recovery process following fibrocell therapy can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated. However, patients can generally expect the following stages during their recovery:

  1. Immediate Post-Treatment Period: Patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, or redness at the injection sites. This is a normal part of the healing process.
  2. First Few Weeks: During this time, the transplanted stem cells begin to integrate into the surrounding tissues. Patients should follow any post-treatment instructions provided by their healthcare provider.
  3. Continued Monitoring: Patients will be closely monitored by their medical team to assess the progress of the treatment and address any concerns.
  4. Long-Term Follow-Up: In some cases, additional follow-up appointments may be necessary to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the treatment.

Is There an Age Limit for Fibrocell Therapy?

There is no strict age limit for fibrocell therapy, as the eligibility for treatment depends on the patient's specific health condition and medical history. However, pediatric patients may require special consideration and evaluation by their healthcare provider before undergoing the therapy. The decision to proceed with fibrocell therapy in children is usually made on a case-by-case basis.

Potential Risks

Risk Prevalence
Allergic Reactions Low
Infection Low to Moderate
Tissue Rejection Low to Moderate
Tumor Formation Low
Unintended Side Effects Low to Moderate

Does Fibrocell Therapy Provide Permanent Results?

The outcomes of fibrocell therapy can vary depending on the type of disease, the size of the treated area, and the individual's response to the treatment. Whether the treatment provides permanent results depends on the method used, the patient's overall health condition, and their compliance with the treatment. While some patients may experience permanent results with fibrocell therapy, others may require regular follow-up and additional treatments.

What Are the Alternative Treatment Options for Fibrocell Therapy?

Besides fibrocell therapy, there are various alternative treatment options available depending on the type of disease and the patient's condition. These options may include:

  • Medication: Medications used to manage symptoms or slow down disease progression.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises aimed at increasing muscle strength, joint flexibility, and enhancing functional independence.
  • Surgical Interventions: In some cases, surgical procedures may be preferred as part of the treatment.
  • Alternative Medicine Approaches: Acupuncture, massage, and other alternative medicine methods may be tried for certain diseases.

What Preparations Should Be Made for Fibrocell Therapy?

There are certain preparations that patients should consider before undergoing fibrocell therapy. These preparations are crucial for the success of the treatment and the comfort of the patient. Preparations may include:

  • Communication with the Doctor: Patients should have open and clear communication with their doctors regarding the treatment process.
  • Evaluation of Health Condition: The doctor will assess the patient's overall health condition and determine their suitability for the treatment.
  • Creation of Treatment Plan: An expert doctor will create a tailored treatment plan based on the patient's needs and treatment goals.
  • Gathering Medical Reports and Documents: Before the treatment, it may be necessary to collect necessary medical reports and documents.

Which Department of Hospitals Should You Make an Appointment with for Fibrocell (Stem Cell) Therapy?

To make an appointment for fibrocell therapy, patients typically need to reach out to the "Rheumatology" or "Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation" departments in Hospitals or Medical Centers. These departments deal with various rheumatological and rehabilitation methods, including fibrocell therapy, and are managed by specialized doctors.


  • National Institutes of Health -
  • Mayo Clinic -
  • WebMD -
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons -
  • American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy -
  • International Society for Cellular Therapy -
  • European Society for Cellular Therapy -
Note: The page content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors Relevant for Stem Cells

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Prof. Dr. Timur YILDIRIM
Prof. Dr. Ahmet SATICI
Doç. Dr. Atacan Emre KOÇMAN
Uzm. Dr. Gülay ÖZAKAY
Prof. Dr. Lokman KARAKURT
Doç. Dr. Serdar KABATAŞ
Op. Dr. Doğuş YALÇIN

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