Bektaş Kemal ASLAN

Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN

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Özel Jimer Hastanesi
Özel Jimer Hastanesi
Odunluk Mah. Mihraplı Cad.No:6, Nilüfer, Bursa, Nilüfer/Bursa


  • Brachytherapy
  • Brain Calcification
  • Brain Hemorrhage
  • Brain Pacemaker
  • Brain Tumor/Cancer
  • Brain Tumors, Intracranial Tumors
  • Cerebral Surgery
  • Corpus Callosotomy (Epilepsy Surgery)
  • Dizziness and Balance Disorders (Vertigo)
  • EEG (Electroencephalography)
  • Electron Beam Computerized Tomography (EBCT)
  • Epilepsy
  • Genel beyin cerrahisi
  • Headache (R51)
  • Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
  • Nerve and Neuropathic Pain Disorders
  • Numbness in the Hand
  • Scoliosis and Kyphosis
  • Skull Deformities
  • Skull Trauma
  • Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Shunt
  • Spinal Cord Surgery
  • Spine and Spinal Cord Tumors
  • Thrombosis


  • 1981 İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • 1990 Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi


  • Özel Konur Hastanesi
  • Çekirge Bölge Hastanesi
  • Özel Jimer Hastanesi


What are Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN's specialities?

Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN 's specialities include Brain and Nerve Surgery

Which treatments is Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN known for providing?

Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN's performed treatments: Dizziness and Balance Disorders (Vertigo) , Brain Hemorrhage , Brain Calcification , Spinal Cord and Brain Injury , Brain Pacemaker , Brain Tumor/Cancer , Brachytherapy , EEG (Electroencephalography) , Numbness in the Hand , Electron Beam Computerized Tomography (EBCT) , Genel beyin cerrahisi , Brain Tumors, Intracranial Tumors , Skull Deformities , Skull Trauma , Corpus Callosotomy (Epilepsy Surgery) , Spine and Spinal Cord Tumors , Spinal Cord Surgery , Spinal Cord Shunt , Thrombosis , Headache (R51) , Epilepsy , Cerebral Surgery , Nerve and Neuropathic Pain Disorders , Scoliosis and Kyphosis , Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

At which health institution or clinic does Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN work?

Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN works at Özel Jimer Hastanesi (Bursa Nilüfer ) .

How can I make an appointment for Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN?

You can visit Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN 's profile and make an appointment on doctor's calendar or via calling doctor's phone number in profile.


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Özel Jimer Hastanesi

Odunluk Mah. Mihraplı Cad.No:6, Nilüfer, Bursa, Nilüfer / Bursa

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