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Brain and Nerve Surgery

Medical Specialities

Brain and Nerve Surgery Doctors
Brain and Nerve Surgery Doctors
(198 doctors/experts)
Brain and Nerve Surgery Institutions
Brain and Nerve Surgery Institutions
(107 institutions)

Brain and Nerve Surgery Doctors

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Op. Dr. Orhan DEMİRALP
Op. Dr. Emre ÜNAL
Prof. Dr. Semih KESKİL
Op. Dr. Bektaş Kemal ASLAN
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TOKMAK
Doç. Dr. Vural HAMZAOĞLU

Doctors operating in the field of Neurosurgery or Neurosurgery are also called Brain and Nerve Surgery.

The main diseases that a Neurosurgeon can treat are as follows;

  • Tumors that originate from the inside of the spinal cord tissue or the brain, or that cause problems by pressing on it from the outside.
  • Aneurysm (ballooning) problems of the vessels feeding the brain tissue or spinal cord
  • Disorders such as arteriovenous malformation, cavernoma
  • Narrowing in the neck veins called carotid stenosis
  • Disorders that develop during the formation of the nervous system such as meningomyelocele that occurs with birth, increase in the amount of fluid in the brain cavities, which is called hydrocephalus, and also the treatment of congenital skull deformities.
  • All kinds of spinal diseases, especially herniated disc (lumbar disc disease)
  • Head and spinal cord injuries
  • All kinds of compression, trauma and cuts of the arm and leg nerves called peripheral nerves, surgical treatment of tumors (Ulnar nerve compression - Carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Brain hemorrhages and occlusions of brain vessels
  • Surgical treatment of neurological diseases such as severe epilepsy and Parkinson's disease and some psychiatric diseases such as OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  • Surgical treatment of diseases such as trigeminal neuralgia, severe cancer pains, tic disease (hemifacial spasm). (functional neurosurgery)
  • Especially in recent years, using the methods called "Stereotactic Radiosurgery", the treatment of lesions such as tumors and cerebrovascular diseases without blood, without anesthesia, by point shooting.