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Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric Surgery Doctors
Bariatric Surgery Doctors
(1 doctor/expert)
Bariatric Surgery Institutions
Bariatric Surgery Institutions
(1 institution)

Bariatric Surgery Doctors

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Prof. Dr. Tuncay ÇELENK

Bariatric Surgery, also known as Obesity Surgery (Slimming Surgery), is the name given to all surgical methods performed due to obesity (excessive weight) and providing rapid weight loss in a short time. It is to reduce one's capacity to eat by physically shrinking the stomach or shortening the digestive tract, thus ensuring that the person is full more quickly. These surgeries vary according to the mechanism of action and surgical technique.

Obesity surgeries are divided into 3 classes as stomach reduction surgeries, absorptive surgeries and combined surgeries where these two are applied together.

It is not recommended to refer to Bariatric Surgery for every overweight person.

Those who have a body mass index of 35-39.9 but also have a dangerous weight-related disease such as type-2 diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea,

People with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, who are extremely obese,

In exceptional cases, it is recommended for people with a body mass index of 30-34 who have more than one of certain health problems.