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Child Development

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Child Development Specialist
Child Development Specialist
(4 doctors/experts)
Child Development Institutions
Child Development Institutions
(4 institutions)

Child Development Specialist

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Uzm. Meltem Geyik

What is Child Development?

Child development refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes from birth to adolescence. These changes differ according to the age, environment and genetic characteristics of the child. Understanding child development helps children unlock their potential and contributes to their healthy growth and development.

Child Development Specializations:

Child development specialists can work by focusing on different subfields. Some of them are: 

  • Early Childhood: It deals with the development of children from birth to 6 years old.
  • - Pre-School Education: Takes care of the education of children aged 3-6 years and contributes to their intelligence, language, social and emotional development. 
  • -Child Psychology: Focuses on children's psychological problems and develops solutions. 
  • -Child Health: Works to ensure that children grow and develop in a healthy way.
  • -Children's Law: Focuses on children's rights and protection and defends children's rights in legal processes.

Which Areas of Child Development Are Interested in?

Child development specialists can focus on many issues related to children's development. Some of them are:

  • - Language and Communication Skills: Monitors and supports the development of children's language and communication skills.
  • - Motor Skills: Monitors and supports the development of children's movement skills. 
  • - Intelligence Development: Works to reveal the intelligence potential of children. 
  • - Social and Emotional Development: Monitors and supports the development of children's social and emotional skills.
  • - Behavioral Problems and Solutions: Understands children's behavior problems and develops solutions.
  • - Families' Contribution to Child Development: Understands and guides families' contribution to children's development.
  • - Children's School Success and Learning Disabilities: Takes care of children's learning difficulties and develops solutions. 
  • - Children's Sexual Health: Provides education and counseling services to protect children's sexual health.
  • - Nutrition for Children: Teaches and supports correct eating habits for children to grow and develop in a healthy way. 
  • - Children's Sleep Pattern: It enables children to have a healthy sleep pattern.
  • - Children's Games: It monitors children's games and playing styles and contributes to their development.
  • - Children's Art and Music Education: Develops children's art and music skills and helps them reveal their creativity.
  • - Children's Use of Technology: Understands the risks associated with children's use of technology and teaches them correct usage habits.
  • - Children's Environmental Education: Makes children sensitive to the environment and raises their awareness of environmental problems. 
  • - Children's Sports and Exercise Habits: Helps children gain sports and exercise habits for a healthy lifestyle. 

In addition to these areas, child development specialists may have different interests and work in these areas as well. For example, a specialist who studies children's interactions with animals may also specialize in animal therapy.