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Medical Pathology

Medical Specialities

Medical Pathologists
Medical Pathologists
(55 doctors/experts)
Medical Pathology Institutions
Medical Pathology Institutions
(15 institutions)

Medical Pathologists

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Prof. Dr. Murat Aydın SAV
Prof. Dr. Serap IŞIKSOY
Prof. Dr. Fatma AKTEPE
Uzm. Dr. Selma ACAR
Prof. Dr. Yıldırım KARSLIOĞLU
Doç. Dr. Fatmagül KUŞKU ÇABUK

Pathology is a branch of medicine that means the science of disease. Pathologists diagnose problems in tissues and cells using special tests.

Pathology (disease science) is concerned with the recognition, investigation and study of structural and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs specifically related to the underlying disease.

People who are experts in the field of pathology are called pathologists or pathologists.

Pathologist; evaluates the samples taken for diagnosis, prepares reports indicating the result. Pathology tests are usually performed to monitor the diagnosis and stage of cancer.

 Pathology: The main areas of study of specialists are;

The cause of the disease: The causes of diseases or abnormal behaviors detected in humans are investigated.

Mechanism of the disease: It is the process starting from the reaction of cells and tissues to the first effect of the etiological factor, until the appearance of disease symptoms.

Structural changes in cells and organs: It is the process that starts from the reaction of cells and tissues to the first effect of the etiological factor, until the appearance of disease symptoms.

Functional disorders caused by structural changes:

With the appearance of morphological changes, the functions of the organs deteriorate and clinical symptoms appear.

Sub-branches of Pathology

  • Head and Neck Pathology
  • Oral Pathology
  • Bone and soft tissue pathology
  • dermatopathology
  • Endocrine Pathology
  • Gastrointestinal Pathology
  • Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Pathology
  • Genitourinary Pathology
  • gynecopathology
  • Pediatric Pathology
  • Breast Pathology
  • Pathology of Urinary System and Male Genital System Diseases
  • Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology
  • Lung Pathology (Pulmonary pathology)
  • Ophthalmic Pathology
  • Cytopathology (Minor can be licensed)
  • neuropathology
  • nephropathology
  • hematopathology
  • Forensic pathology (Forensic Pathology)
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • Molecular Pathology
  • Computational Pathology.