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General Surgery

Medical Specialities

General Surgery Doctors
General Surgery Doctors
(826 doctors/experts)
General Surgery Institutions
General Surgery Institutions
(411 institutions)

General Surgery Doctors

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Op. Dr. Kenan İPEK
Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş KURT
Op. Dr. Cuma ASLAN
Op. Dr. Güngör GÜL
Op. Dr. Engin BAŞTÜRK
Op. Dr. Ersan SEMERCİ

General surgery is a medical discipline that involves performing various surgical procedures to treat health problems and diseases. Surgeons, those related to the abdomen and related organs, diagnose many types of diseases. Includes bile ducts, pancreas, appendix liver, small and large intestine, rectum, and stomach. Surgeons can also treat thoracic and thyroid gland hernias.

Major surgical diseases;

  • Vascular system, excluding intracranial vessels and heart
  • endocrine system including thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and endocrine pancreas
  • Comprehensive trauma management, including musculoskeletal, hand and head injuries
  • Responsibility for all stages of care for the injured patient is an essential component of general surgery.
  • Head and neck especially skin tumors, salivary glands, including trauma, vascular, endocrine, congenital and oncological disorders
  • Comprehensive trauma management, including musculoskeletal, hand and head injuries. Responsibility for all stages of care of the injured patient
  • is an essential component of general surgery
  • Digestive system
  • The abdomen and its contents
  • Breast, skin and soft tissue
  • Full-fledged care of patients with critical surgical diseases in the emergency room, intensive care unit and trauma burn units.