Trabzon Stomach Cancer Doctors

Doctors performing Stomach Cancer treatment in the city of Trabzon are listed below. For detailed information, you can review the profiles of doctors, get information about the treatment, and make an appointment from the ones with an open appointment calendar through Doktorumsun.

Internal Medicine

Trabzon/ Akçaabat
Abdominal Paracentesis, Adenitis, Adrenal Gland Disorders (Adrenal Insufficiency/Adrenal Fatigue), Adrenal Insufficiency, Bad Taste in Mouth
Trabzon, Gülbaharhatun, 61040 Ortahisar/Trabzon Akçaabat, Trabzon
Seher Nazlı KAZAZ

Medical Oncology

Trabzon/ Akçaabat
Lung Cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Gynecologic (Genital-Vaginal) Cancer and Surgery, Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer
Trabzon, Gülbaharhatun, 61040 Ortahisar/Trabzon Akçaabat, Trabzon