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Hand Surgery

Medical Specialities

Hand Surgery Doctors
Hand Surgery Doctors
(32 doctors/experts)
Hand Surgery Institutions
Hand Surgery Institutions
(21 institutions)

Hand Surgery Doctors

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Prof. Dr. İrfan AYAN
Op. Dr. Murat İPTEÇ
Uzm. Dr. Selim TÜRKKAN
Doç. Dr. Eren CANSÜ
Prof. Dr. Sinan ADIYAMAN

Hand Surgery is a broad term that encompasses many different procedures.

It is the field of medicine that deals with problems of the hand, wrist and forearm.

It is a surgical branch of our body that starts from the shoulders and extends to the fingertips and is called the upper extremity and is related to their treatment.

Common hand problems include repeated stress injuries such as trigger finger, ganglion cysts, carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervain's tendinitis, arthritis.

Serious hand problems such as fractures and dislocations of the wrists and wrists, tendon injuries, nerve injuries, amputations, complex hand injuries require emergency hand surgery.

The main diseases that hand surgeons deal with are;

  • Infections
  • hand injuries
  • Rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis that alter and damage structures in the hand
  • Degenerative changes in hand structures
  • Congenital defects or problems