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Chest Diseases

Medical Specialities

Chest Diseases Doctors
Chest Diseases Doctors
(144 doctors/experts)
Chest Diseases Institutions
Chest Diseases Institutions
(96 institutions)

Chest Diseases Doctors

View All Doctors/Experts for Speciality
Uzm. Dr. Berna DUMAN
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kürşat ÖZVARAN
Prof. Dr. Erdoğan KUNTER
Uzm. Dr. Didem ÖZKAN
Uzm. Dr. Aysel KARĞI
Uzm. Dr. Yelda Turgut ÇELEN

Chest Diseases; is a medical doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the respiratory system, including the bronchial tubes, tubes, lungs, nose, pharynx and throat. It treats diseases such as lung cancer, acute complications of respiratory failure, pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer, asthma, tuberculosis.

Main duties and responsibilities;

  • Prescribing medicine
  • To follow the treatment process and, if necessary, to change the treatment method
  • Reporting cases of infectious diseases with fatal consequences, such as tuberculosis, to government agencies
  • To reduce allergies and respiratory diseases, the patient should be given diet, exercise and home.
  • recommend changes in
  • Conducting research to test or develop new drugs and treatments
  • Show loyalty to patient privacy
  • Requesting examinations such as pulmonary function test, chest X-ray, skin and blood allergy testing
  • Examining the patient's medical history and performing a physical examination to diagnose the disease
  • Making a diagnosis based on test results and examination data