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Adana Seyhan Institutions Providing Services in the General Surgery Speciality

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Medical Park Adana
Adana / Seyhan
39 doctors
Medical Specialities
Emergency, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Brain and Nerve Surgery, Child Health and Diseases, Dermatology, Nutritionist, Endocrinology And Metabolism Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Physical therapy and rehabilitation, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Chest Diseases, Eye Diseases, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, Ear Nose and Throat (Otorhinolaryngology), Medical Oncology, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopedics And Traumatology, Radiology, Medical Biochemistry, Urology
Büyükşehir, Çınarlı Atatürk Caddesi, Belediye Karşısı No:23, 01060 Seyhan, Adana
Mehmet Özdoğan Muayenehanesi
Adana / Seyhan
1 doctor
Medical Specialities
General Surgery
Ziyapaşa bulvarı, Şinasi Efendi cad. İkizler apt, No: 15/1, Seyhan, Adana Seyhan, Adana
Medical Specialities
General Surgery
Hurmalı Mahallesi Kurtuluş Caddesi Central Plaza No 39 4. kat Daire 44, Seyhan, Adana Seyhan, Adana